Websites and Links with MORE Lesson and Planning Ideas
Websites for Lesson Plans and Teaching Materials
- is home to Dr. Jim Frankel's blog. Check out's what's new and innovative.
- The 2020 conference provided tremendous presentations and resources from leading music educators. All materials are still available online. Be sure to register for the 2021 conference.
- Amy M. Burns is a noted expert in music technology integration and has published numerous books and manuals on music technology for educators. Her website includes a wealth of information on best websites, iPads in music, and Smartboard lessons.
- Midnight Music. This site is curated by Katie Wardrobe, an internationally regarded music education technology trainer. She publishes annual guides to free resources and weekly posts with helpful tips and information on newest tool and trends. Be sure to connect with Midnight Music on Facebook too!
- Shawna Longo has shared some resources. Check out her work in cross-curricular music tech integration, collaboration, STEAM, SEL and flipped classroom.
- MusTech.Net. Published as a collaborative effort by master music technology educators with a wealth of learning and lesson resources.
- Chad Criswell is the technology writer for the National Association for Music Education (NAfME). His site hosts many helpful articles, including “Music Room Sound Systems Buying Guide”.
- Music Technology Sandbox. This site hosts a large collection of the best websites for music learning and practice. It is curated by a team of dedicated educators.
- Music Tech Teacher. Excellent resource for music learning lessons and games, built by Karen Garrett.
Copyright 2023. Music Tech Toolbox and Marjorie LoPresti.
All rights reserved. [email protected] The ideas and opinions presented on this website are intended for consideration only. Visitors should test all websites, software, and products for function and suitability. |